Our Mission - Inclusion
Our Vision
Navigating the special education system can be a daunting, overwhelming task for parents. Understanding your child’s rights and securing a “free appropriate education” within the “least restrictive environment” can seem like an elusive process when you and your school district cannot agree on what should be in your child’s IEP or 504 plan.
Educating yourself on what your child’s rights are under IDEA and other state and federal laws, and then understanding how the special education process should work are two of the first steps that we can help you with. We can also help you learn how to make sense of the data needed to make informed decisions on your child’s behalf, and then use that information to demonstrate areas of need and secure appropriate services. We are there to attend meetings with you, to help you work collaboratively with your school district and learn to be your child’s best advocate.
Occasionally, it becomes necessary to pursue legal measures to reach a resolution that meets your child’s needs. When that happens, we are experienced in guiding and supporting parents through mediation and due process proceedings, and will recommend a special education attorney become involved in your case. We are not attorneys but will tell you when we are not able to assist you in legal proceedings and will refer you to a lawyer.
We understand the emotional yet unwavering commitment that it takes to provide your child the educational opportunities he deserves - and we are here to help you every step of the way.
At Inclusion Advocates, we are passionate about ensuring that your child receives needed related services, modifications, and accommodations within the least restrictive environment. We believe that high expectations, research based instruction, and a sense of belonging - being welcomed as a valuable member of the school community - are all integral components of a child’s education, and that these goals can be accomplished through an inclusive education.
Disclaimer: Inclusion Advocates is not a law firm; we are not attorneys and we cannot give legal advice or practice law.
Inclusion Advocates © 2016 | All Rights Reserved
9433 Montgomery Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 834 - 8013 ellen@inclusionadvocates.com